
Exploring the Old Testament, Volume 4: The Prophets is unavailable, but you can change that!

Exploring the Old Testament, Vol. 4: The Prophets is a highly readable introduction to the Hebrew prophets that locates them in their ancient historical setting, opens up the prophetic texts in the light of the most recent scholarship, and brings out their relevance for modern living. It fulfills its aim of making the prophets accessible to the student reader.

A reading of Isaiah makes it clear, however, that the Assyrian period is not the only time in which the book is interested. If anything, Babylon is even more prominent. This means that a major focus of the book is a time well after Isaiah’s own life, since Babylon succeeded Assyria as the leading power in the region only in 605 BC, when its forces overcame those of Egypt at the Battle of Carchemish. When Judah fell and went into Babylonian exile in 587 BC, Isaiah had been dead for about a century.
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